Hi there! I'm Dave Kenneth, but I also go under the names of SwaggBae and SwaggDev. I'm a YT/Twitch creator and game dev raised in the Garden State, home to the infamous waterpark I've themed my profile after. I typically stream single or multiplayer games and talk about my love for movies and cinema. When I don't stream or make videos on the latter, I like to create small games using RPG Maker from time to time. And much like some devs in the scene, I also like to use my knowledge of film in the games I create.
I started live streaming in 2014 making pretty dumb levels and playing cool ones in the long gone Project Spark. I then moved my way into learning an engine in fear I'd never be able to create the works of my dreams. For most of my time in high school, I took a break from developing games as I wanted to get better writing stories. I've also joined some communities on Twitch during the time, and still have to this day, as I'm a current resident in Phillie's wonderful community of GroupShitters/Huggers.
Toward my graduation in 2018, I came back and made my first original (also short) game. Although a diamond in the rough, Mirum Mirum proved I could put time and effort into making interesting experiences. As of 2024, despite handling two jobs, I'm looking to make my first project that's as close to being full length as possible. And will also be my first to completely ditch the RTP. I previously participated in jams like Ludum Dare, and I'm willing to give them a shot again in the near future.
The places where you can find me: